With these easy stretching and breathing techniques, you may reduce tension, alleviate back pain, and improve flexibility. Pranayama breathing, yoga enhances muscle tone, flexibility, and balance as well as your ability to unwind and manage stress.
Ready to give it a try? Try these 5 yoga poses called "Asanas" to begin your yoga journey.
Sukhasana (sook-HAHS-ah-nah)
This pose is amazing. It is so soothing and calming. On a yoga mat, cross your legs and place your palms up on your knees. Maintain as much spinal straightness as you can. Your "sit bones," as they are known in yoga, should be pushed into the ground. Eyes closed, take a deep breath.
I always start with this position since it has taught me how to relax the delicate muscles in my face and shoulders while still keeping the stability of my spine and posture.
Cat-Cow is a great flow of yoga when your body needs a break. It improves posture and balance suitable for those who have back pain. You'll feel more at ease and be able to release some of the day's stress thanks to the benefits of this synchronized breath movement.
Additionally, the entire spine, neck, chest, and shoulders are opened up, increasing flexibility. I recommend repeating five to ten times or more.
Tree Pose
Start in a mountain pose. Lift your right foot an inch off the ground as you inhale, shifting your weight to your left foot. Bring the foot to your shin or inner thigh with your right hand. As much as possible, keep your foot off of your knee.
The pro tip for this pose is to stare a wall in order to able to stand straight. By supporting the outer hips and foot arches, this position helps you focus and increase your sense of balance.
Downward Facing Dog
Your body forms an inverted V when in the downward-facing dog position. Starting on the mat in front of you, both hands should be palms down and slightly in front of your shoulders. Kneel down with your feet directly beneath your hips. Exhale as you raise your knees off the floor and elevate your hips and buttocks upward.
"Downward-Facing Dog relaxes the nervous system, improves general flexibility, cools down the spine, sculpts the legs, opens the shoulders, and tones the arms. Most people hold this position for five breaths on each side, or longer for greater strength-building effects.
Child Pose - Balasana
Child's Pose is my favorite yoga pose since it is one of the most therapeutic ones. Simply lift your torso over your knees while bending your knees, bringing your butt to your heels. Your head should be level with your shoulders. You can support your head by folding your arms under your forehead or by placing your arms by your sides, palms down. Continue to inhale and relax as long as necessary.