In today's Digital age, technology plays a vital role to stay connected with updates of day to day life and in that our mobiles play an important role.
Our daily lives now include using mobile phones for communication in addition to the plethora of apps that are accessible to us that can significantly ease our daily lives. Reading books, listening to music, taking pictures, watching films, playing games, creating and editing papers, getting medical advice, and many more things are all things we can accomplish with just our mobile devices.
My Mobile-day-in-life Journey
My phone's alarm is the first thing I hear in the morning, and it's what keeps me awake no matter what time it is at night or when I wake up. Another important thing is Maps on my phone is also necessary for getting to work or college and as I complete all of these duties, My go-to music app, Spotify, keeps my head refreshed and awake.
I enjoy playing online games with my pals on my phone around noon, and I regularly watch Netflix on it while relaxing by myself, especially in the wake of the pandemic.
I like calling my parents in India at night to talk to them on the phone. Once more, I would never think twice about using the Uber food delivery app if I were hungry and wanted to enjoy a cheat dinner or meal.
There are tons of app's that I use apart from these 5 app, however the most frequently used ones are Instagram, Facebook, Maps, LinkedIn, and Teams.
The micro-moment that prompted the usage of these 5 apps are;
Instagram - I want to know about the updates of my friends, family, and influencers that I follow.
LinkedIn - I want to get inspire by people in my industry and to stay in touch with colleagues, past and present.
Google Maps - I want to go to my destination using the directions shown by maps.
Teams - I want to stay organize with my colleagues, peers by sharing files from a channel, schedule a meeting and work on files without leaving a chat.
Facebook - I want to maintain a contact with friends, families and get the information of of their whereabouts and actions.
Mobile Friction:
Facebook enhances people's ability to connect with others and form positive relationship with peers, families and friends. It is a way of medium used almost by all age group of people compared to any of other social media which ultimately strengthens the relationships among all.
However, with coming period of time, the traction of Facebook posts have decreased because of high level of advertisement going on the platform. It is with greatest disappointment that whenever I open Facebook, all I see is the ad of Facebook marketplace where people are either selling rental properties, furniture, etc which I am not at all interested in and because of this reason my feed has become so mundane that there's nothing to do on the platform.
Hence, Facebook was once perceived as an intriguing and enjoyable sites however now such kind of distractions makes me to close the app immediately.
Marketer's Perspective:
According to the marketer's perspective, an user attention span has shortens tremendously and with time brands need to ensure that their mobile experience is fast, reliable, and stress free including loading time of website, amount of information shown to users, errors and crashes.
There are various brands who shows the users the content they mostly engage with in their day to day life by using titles like "Content for you, related images/videos, etc" and after certain span of time, if the user is still not doing any activity with the videos, the platform should stop showing such content in order to reduce the bounce rate of users.
I hope you like this blog on my perspective on a mobile day in my life. This blog is written for one of my George Brown College Post-Graduate Digital Media Marketing Diploma in MARK4024 OMNI Channel Marketing Course.